How I Diagnosed and Treated My Case of B. Pertussis, aka "Whooping Cough"


I Am a Patient not a Doctor

This website is based on my experience suffering from B. pertussis and it is designed for other patients who may be suffering from this nasty illness, too. Since I am not a doctor this information is not to be construed as medical advice. However, if you have found this website, it is likely that you may benefit from the knowledge and experience presented here.

I was Misdiagnosed

I was not properly diagnosed by my local hospital despite multiple visits and I had to diagnose and resolve this problem on my own. That was a frustrating experience that needlessly delayed my treatment. My goal is to help you benefit from my experience so that you can more quickly diagnose, treat, and resolve your illness.

I Think Medicine Needs Improvement

I took four trips to the hospital incurring nearly $10,000 in bills, seeing nearly a dozen doctors, and undergoing multiple invasive procedures, yet NOBODY MADE THE CORRECT DIAGNOSIS. During that time I was highly contagious yet kept amongst a population of vulnerable sick and elderly patients. And when I presented the correct diagnosis supported by evidence as well as a medical expert from England I was ignored, patronized, and dismissed. In the end all I needed was $1.79 worth of antibiotics, some Vitamin C, and bed rest. Yet nobody with a medical degree could figure that out, or accept the evidence in front of their eyes. To me it seemed that they just wanted to perform their favorite procedures, prescribe their preferred pills, and collect their bills. Independent thinking and problem solving was not only beyond their capability, but something they actively opposed. This is not a new problem. As an undergraduate at Harvard I took a class on the history of medicine, and we learned about the long time period during which medical doctors refused to wash their hands. Yes, that included Harvard MD's. Plenty of babies died as a result of the infections these "gentlemen" spread. In other words, their ignorance and arrogance caused patients harm. We have a similar situation today, where only a narrow set of causes and treatments will be considered by many doctors, who will also steadfastly refuse to listen to their patients, and even deny basic facts and simple logic. This is no way to resolve critical health issues.

I am Open-minded but Pragmatic

My approach to Pertussis was to consider input from a variety of sources. From the American doctors I learned that I didn't have anything other than Pertussis. From a British doctor I learned I did have Pertussis. From the internet I learned about Vitamin C used in Japan, and herbal remedies used in China. And from my own experience and that of other patients I learned more about dealing with this disease, and the dangers of leaving it untreated. I think you will be much better served by this practical, open-minded approach than by the invasive, dismissive approach that you will encounter in a hospital or doctor's office. At least, that is my hope.

I Don't Have All the Answers

Lastly, I think it must be said that nobody has all the answers, and we are better served by being humble in the face of illness than being arrogant. The body is extremely complex, and even something as simple as a bacteria can engage it in ways well beyond our understanding. Nobody knows precisly how Pertussis works, and the only sure way forward is to ask exacting questions and investigate them with rigor so that we may answer them with evidence. As F. Scott Fitgerald once wrote, "The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function."

Disclaimer – I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice! But you may benefit from my experience.

My Medical Stats




150 lbs


No Prior Illness